Tengo una larguísima entrevista que hice de Facebook... la voy a subir, capaz por partes, sólo para molestar. Besos.
*Vitamin water or gatorade: gatoreade, even though I dont know what vitamin water is...
*Have you had a beer in the last week? Yep, Saturday, and I took some from Steph one of these last nights.
*If you could have one super human power what would you choose? flying is allowed?
*Do you read harry potter books? of course not
*What is your favourite food? certainly not what I eat here
*What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out? Sing "Billy Jean"
*Where do you want to travel next? Ostende this weekend, and Poland whenever
*What is your favorite pj fabric? can someone explain to me what is pj?
*Boat or bus? depends on the place and situation
*Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore? depends on the place and situation
*Do you shower every single day? almost, and asleep...
*Kill the spider or let it out? let it out!
*What is your favorite tv show? dont watch much tv
*Do you eat cold cereal at night?? oui!!!!!!!!!!
*Define yourself in 3 words: music, perfectionist, madness
*Would you rather be blind or deaf? no need to answer this
*Are you a cat or a dog person? unluckily for the ones who are expecting me to say cat... dog.
*Which is worse? a bad laugh or a bad cough? A bad laugh!!!!!!!
*Juice and crackers or milk and cookies? coffee and milk
*Who are you going to vote for in 2008? I am an apolitical person nowadays
*What was your last thought? Dont remember, I wonder if I ever think in Friday nights...
*Where is Waldo? Right behind you
*Do you support Paris? Hilton? or the capital of France? What in hell are you talking about?
*Why did the chicken cross the road? porque estaba tan al pedo como yo en este momento
*If you had to pick one car, which would it be? my family´s
*What is your fauvorite clothing brand? Not really into fashion
*Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance or Other? any place with good music is just fine for me
*Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? both legs, but dont touch my arms
*Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold
*T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cingular, At&t or Sprint/Nextel? I dont know what you are talking about, but I think the answer is ¨Proximus Belgium?
*Water or 100 per cent juice? depends
*What size shoe do you wear? 38
*How do you feel? tired but fine
*Romance or kinky sex? Can someone tell me what kinky sex is?? I am really wondering about it...
*Get the number or give the number? First of all, get, then give... :D
*When do you plan on getting married? Not now, for sure.
*Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and were? No tattoos.
*Who do you admire most? Many people, but today let´s say Carlos Kleiber
*Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have? Peter Pan, but in BA
*How tall are you? Enough to be a conductor
*What are you most proud of in your life? Dont know... I suppose I am proud of still following my dreamseven when everything is difficult. But I also think that one doesnt have to be proud of oneself!
*Where do you see yourself in five years? Forbidden to ask that question, s´il vous plaît.
*If you had only six month to live, what would you do first? Go to Buenos Aires
*Are you an outdoor or indoor person? there is a constant balance
*What do you do for fun? drink belgian beer with my belgian friends
*Who was your hero as a child? Batman first, then Peter Pan
*Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full? Always half full
*If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be? A bird
*What makes you laugh? Lately, lots of things. I am half of the day laughing, and here everyone recognises me because of my laugh.
*What makes you cry? Many things... I´ve turned into quite a crying babe.
*If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook? Dutch champignon soup, of course.
*If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be? Claudio Abbado
*If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Today? Brussels
*If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be? Conducting, pleaaase!
*Describe your perfect Sunday morning? Drinking coffee with milk relaxed loosing peacefully my time
*Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them? OF COURSEEEE
*Do you say "I love you" in the relationship? Only when I feel like saying it.
*Close your eyes for a moment, who pops into your head? Carlos
*How many hobbies do you have? Not a single one
*What attracts you most? Intelligence
*Do you plan in advance? too much
*Who do you count on when feeling down? my mom and dad
*Why are you taking this interview? because I am sooo bored alone in this belgian kot in this friday night
*Left handed or right handed? right, but not for playing pool :p
*Beach or mountain? Nueva Atlantis, and maybe, after Sunday, Ostende
*How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a wood can chuck chuckwhen woods chuck, if ever a wood have chucked, who knows.
*What is your favorite color? blue, green, but lets be fair with black, it makes me thin...
*Are you fed up of all these questions? Absolutamente, pero soy tan viciosa que sigo.
*Performing Arts, Fine Arts, or Sports? Arts, as finest as possible :D
*Which religion do you choose to follow? Catholic
*What is your dream job? No need to answer
*City or the suburbs? city
*Favorite hot drink? coffee, bien sûr!!!
*Sour or sweet candy? sweet
*Chocolate or other candy? belgian chocolate
*Are you in love? Yes, but I am not really sure who is the guy.
*Whats your favorite sport? mm... aerobics in sportopolis!!! jajaja
*Desktop or Laptop? Mon Laptop, bien sûr.
*What language would you like to speak fluently? German
*Whats the First Thing You Notice In A Boy/Girl? The way he/she speaks
*Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? Ewan Mc Gregor
*Favorite Rapper: Mais s´il te plaît...!
*How many people are in your family? 4
*What is your natural hair color? black
*If you could time travel, what would be your first stop? go to say hi to Herr van Beethoven
*What is the name of your truest friend??? Marquitos Perez and Mariana Góngora, both somewhere in the world.
*If you were one word, what word would you be? music
*Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
*What sort of character would you play in a comic book (hero, humorous sidekick, villian, that abrasive newspaper guy, etc.) I would be Batwoman
*What colour are your eyes? Brown
*Rolling Stones or Beatles? both, but not too much
*Is this boring? Yep, quite.
*Do you believe in heaven and hell? Je sais pas maintenant, peut être.
*If you were one of the seven dwarfs, who would you be? I would be Snowhite.
*What are your "comfy clothes"? My white or my black jogging.
*What kind of car do you drive? My borrowed bike, which is in fact not working so well.
*Do you have any piercings/tatoos? Yep, one infected piercing which I love each day more, even infected!
*If you could pick anyone dead or alive to have lunch with, who would it be? My grandpas
*Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe
*Do you like to bake/cook? When I have time, money, and friends coming by.
*Do you like/drink coffee? What a question
*What do you think they eat in heaven? hostias y vino todo el día
*Orlando bloom or Johnny depp? Johnny
*What is your favorite grocery store? I never go to the grocer´s
*What happened if you were interviewed and it never ended? I am seriously thinking about that
*Do you like thunderstorms? Yes!
*Favorite perfume? Ciel d´etè
*What is the meaning of life? A movie by Monty Python
*If you look at the color blue, what does it make you think of? Of the colour blue
*Do you currently like anyone? yep, think so
*Do you have to go to the bathroom? nop
*Biggest turnoff in the oppisite sex? ego, boring people, superficial people
*How many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb? for sure not me alone
*Do you sometimes wish you were a porn star? no, but since I have read this question I am thinking seriously about it...:D
*Are you a good friend or not ? ask them
*Jeans or shorts? jeans
*What is love? one of the most wonderful things in life
*Would you reither be stabbed my a knife or a sword? with the sword of King Arthur
*Looks or personality? A lot of personality always makes you look good :D
*Why do you go on facebook? Addiction
*Are you self obsessed? Always
Otra de las preguntas era: Cómo te describirían tus amigos en tres palabras? Le pregunté a Marquitos y esto es lo que respondió:
Idola, Central y Querida.
... a ver... con lo de idola hay que tener cuidado porque me agarra un ataque de egocentrísmo fuerte y agárrense... Central... Rosario Central? Estación Central? What?! :D Y Querida..........
Gracias Marquitos... tk y extrano!
Me voy a desayunar y empezar mi sábado de soledad, hiberanción y estudio. Qué lindo!! =)!!!
pd: Ahora que me pongo a pensar, esas tres palabras, soledad, hibernación y estudio pueden tener alto contenido negativo, y yo las estoy saboreando como loca...
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